If you need to store millions or even billions of records and get counts quickly, you might want to consider using an external database. This week we're looking at Tinybird & Bubble.
Hey James! I found this article helpful since we're close to launching our MVP and have visibility into needing more scale from Bubble to handle our datasets (tables with 1M+ rows). I'd love to hop on a quick call or start an email thread if you're available to chat.
James, this video is gold! I have been looking at external services to try with Bubble to see what data can be stored outside of Bubble. I caught wind of Tinybird via your podcast and found this article after the fact. It's amazing that you created a video and - using that - I was able to create two forms in Bubble and post data to Tinybird in two separate data sources. I'm fairly new to Bubble and just experimenting with a few things but quite familiar with SQL and databases at a low level. I'm curious about how I might handle capturing id and timestamps (Unix timestamps) in Tinybird from Bubble. The idea is that I can create data source relations by id and capture record creation and update times. It seems Tinybird hands that control to you so I think I need to add that to Bubble via the API connector. Do you have any experience with capturing id and timestamps in Tinybird and how that is handled via Bubble? Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks! Tom
Hey Tom, glad you found it helpful! It did take me a while to figure out how to send dates into Tinybird from Bubble properly. To do it make sure you use the operator...
Date :formatted as Simplified Extended ISO :formatted as JSON safe
Hey James! I found this article helpful since we're close to launching our MVP and have visibility into needing more scale from Bubble to handle our datasets (tables with 1M+ rows). I'd love to hop on a quick call or start an email thread if you're available to chat.
Hey Adam! Glad you found this article helpful, always happy to chat, you can get me on [email protected] :)
James, this video is gold! I have been looking at external services to try with Bubble to see what data can be stored outside of Bubble. I caught wind of Tinybird via your podcast and found this article after the fact. It's amazing that you created a video and - using that - I was able to create two forms in Bubble and post data to Tinybird in two separate data sources. I'm fairly new to Bubble and just experimenting with a few things but quite familiar with SQL and databases at a low level. I'm curious about how I might handle capturing id and timestamps (Unix timestamps) in Tinybird from Bubble. The idea is that I can create data source relations by id and capture record creation and update times. It seems Tinybird hands that control to you so I think I need to add that to Bubble via the API connector. Do you have any experience with capturing id and timestamps in Tinybird and how that is handled via Bubble? Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks! Tom
Hey Tom, glad you found it helpful! It did take me a while to figure out how to send dates into Tinybird from Bubble properly. To do it make sure you use the operator...
Date :formatted as Simplified Extended ISO :formatted as JSON safe
Hope that helps!
That's awesome! Thanks for that, James. :) I'll give it a whirl and see how I get on. Happy to share my experiences and any learning as well.
Video is better.